
Agricultural Soil, 250g
Producing Laboratory: TERC

The raw material used for production of IAEA-478 was collected from a sampling area near Gyömrő, Hungary (E19.22625 N47.23724) and the soil has one of the lowest radionuclide contents in the region. The raw material was spiked with radionuclides, using dilutions of high precision radioactive certified reference solutions from metrological institutes. After spiking, it was homogenised and tested for heterogeneity. The grain size distribution of the material is between 150 and 250 µm.

Reference date for all specified radionuclide decay corrections: 01 January 2018

Certified values for activity concentration (based on dry mass) ​ 

​​Radionucli​de​Certified value [Bq kg-1]Uncertainty [Bq kg-1] (a)Half-life ​
40K​​374151.2504 (30) ×109 years
60Co14225.2711 (8) years
133Ba56.80.710.539 (6) years
134Cs112.21.42.0644 (14) years
137Cs65.00.930.05 (8) years
210Pb4851022.23 (12) years
241Am53.10.7432.6 (6) years

(a) The uncertainty is expressed as a combined standard uncertainty (coverage factor k = 1).

Information values for activity concentration  (based on dry mass)

​​RadionuclideInformation v​alue [Bq kg-1]Uncertainty [Bq kg-1] (a)Half-life 
232Th32.60.814.02 (6) × 109 years
228Ra32.60.85.75 (4) years
228Ac32.60.86.15 (3) hours
​​228Th32.60.81.9126 (9) years
238U25.01.74.468 (5) × 109 years
234U25.01.72.455 (6) × 105 years
226Ra31.21.51600 (6) years


(a) The uncertainty is expressed as a combined standard uncertainty (coverage factor k = 1)​

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