
External Publications related to IAEA Reference Products

The following are published externally to the IAEA, and availability will depend upon the policy of the copyright holder.

Reference Materials

Interlaboratory Comparisons/Proficiency Tests

  • E. Vasileva,  S. Azemard,  Worldwide Laboratory Comparison on the Determination of Trace Elements in IAEA-452 Biota Sample, Analytical Quality in Nuclear Applications Series IAEA/AQ/23, IAEA, Vienna, 2012.
  • S. Azemard and E. Vassileva, Worldwide interlaboratory comparison on the determination of trace elements in a fish sample IAEA-MESL-ILC-TE-BIOTA-2017, Analytical Quality in Nuclear Applications Series, IAEA/AQ/55, ISSN 2074–7659, Vienna 2018C.
  • Cattini, P. Mandjukov, I. Tolosa, and E. Vasileva,Worldwide and Regional Laboratory Comparison on the Determination of Organochlorine Compounds, Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers and Petroleum Hydrocarbons in IAEA-451 Clam (Gafrarium Tumidium) Sample, Analytical Quality in Nuclear Applications Series IAEA/AQ/28, IAEA, Vienna, 2013.
  • E. Vassileva, S. Azemard, Worldwide interlaboratory comparison on the determination of trace elements in Oyster biota sample, Analytical Quality in Nuclear Applications Series, IAEA/AQ/56, ISSN 2074–7659, Vienna 2018.
  • S. Azemard and E. Vassileva, Worldwide interlaboratory comparison on the determination of trace elements and methyl mercury in sediment sample IAEA-MESL-ILC-TE-SEDIMENT-2018, Analytical Quality in Nuclear Applications Series, IAEA/AQ/60, ISSN 2074–7659, Vienna 2019.
  • Coquery, M., Carvalho, F. P., Azemard, S., & Horvat, M. (1999). The IAEA worldwide intercomparison exercises (1990-1997): Determination of trace elements in marine sediments and biological samples. Science of the Total Environment, 237–238.
  • Results of an IAEA intercomparison exercise to assess 137Cs and total 210Pb analytical performance in soil. Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 67, 139 - 146 (2009).
  • A soil sampling intercomparison exercise for the ALMERA network. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 100, 982-987 (2009).

Analytical Methods

Sampling Strategies and Techniques

Internal Publications related to IAEA Reference Products

Analytical Quality Series Publications

Analytical Methods

In Situ Analytical Characterization of Contaminated Sites Using Nuclear Spectrometry Techniques, Review of Methodologies and Measurementsdownload (pdf)
IAEA/AQ/48Determination and Interpretation of Characteristic Limits for Radioactivity Measurements, Decision Threshhold, Detection Limit and Limits of the Confidence Intervaldownload (pdf)
IAEA/AQ/39A Procedure for the Rapid Determination of Ra-226 and Ra-228 in Drinking Water by Liquid Scintillation Countingdownload (pdf)
IAEA/AQ/37A Procedure for the Sequential Determination of Radionuclides in Environmental Samples, Liquid Scintillation Counting and Alpha Spectrometry for Sr-90, Am-241 and Pu Radioisotopesdownload (pdf)
IAEA/AQ/34A Procedure for the Sequential Determination of Radionuclides in Phosphogypsum, Liquid Scintillation Counting and Alpha Spectrometry for Po-210, Pb-210, Ra-226, Th and U Radioisotopesdownload (pdf)
IAEA/AQ/33National and Regional Surveys of Radon Concentration in Dwellings, Review of Methodology and Measurement Techniquesdownload (pdf)
IAEA/AQ/27Rapid Simultaneous Determination of 89Sr and 90Sr in Milk: A Procedure Using Cerenkov and Scintillation Countingdownload (pdf)
IAEA/AQ/19Analytical Methodology for the Determination of Radium Isotopes in Environmental Samplesdownload (pdf)
IAEA/AQ/12A Procedure for Determination of Po-210 in Water Samples by Alpha Spectrometrydownload (pdf)
IAEA/AQ/11A Procedure for the Rapid Determination of Pu Isotopes and Am-241 in Soil and Sediment Samples by Alpha Spectrometrydownload (pdf)

Reference Materials

IAEA/AQ/63Certification Report on Value Assignment for the d2H and d18O Stable Isotopic Composition in the Water Reference Material GRESPdownload (pdf)
IAEA/AQ/62Certification of Trace Element Mass Fractions in Marine Sediment IAEA-475
download (pdf)
IAEA/AQ/61Certification of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Mass Fractions in IAEA-477 Sediment Sampledownload (pdf)
IAEA/AQ/57Certification of Trace Elements and Methylmercury Mass Fractions in Fish Homogenate IAEA-476download (pdf)
IAEA/AQ/56Worldwide Interlaboratory Comparison on the Determination of Trace Elements in Oyster Biota Sample IAEA-470download (pdf)
IAEA/AQ/54Certification of Massic Activities of Radionuclides in IAEA-412 Pacific Ocean Sedimentdownload (pdf)
IAEA/AQ/53Certification of Massic Activities of Radionuclides in IAEA-410 Bikini Atoll Sedimentdownload (pdf)
IAEA/AQ/52Certification of Mass Fractions of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Organochlorines and Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers in IAEA-459 Marine Sediment Sampledownload (pdf)
IAEA/AQ/50Certification of Trace Elements and Methylmercury Mass Fractions in Tuna Fish Flesh Homogenate IAEA-436Adownload (pdf)
IAEA/AQ/47Certification of Trace Elements and Methyl Mercury Mass Fractions in IAEA-470 Oyster Sampledownload (pdf)
IAEA/AQ/46Worldwide Interlaboratory Comparison on the Determination of Trace Elements in the IAEA-457 Marine Sediment Sampledownload (pdf)
IAEA/AQ/45Certification of Trace Elements and Methyl Mercury Mass Fractions in IAEA-456 Marine Sediment Samplesdownload (pdf)
IAEA/AQ/44Certification of Trace Elements and Methyl Mercury Mass Fractions in IAEA-461 Clam (Gafrarium tumidum) Sampledownload (pdf)
IAEA/AQ/31Certification of Trace Element Mass Fractions in IAEA-458 Marine Sediment Sampledownload (pdf)
IAEA/AQ/30Certified Reference Material IAEA-448: Soil from Oil Field Contaminated with Technically Enhanced Radium-226download (pdf)
IAEA/AQ/28Worldwide and Regional Laboratory Comparison on the Determination of Organochlorine Compounds, Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers and Petroleum Hydrocarbons in IAEA-451 Clam (Gafrarium tumidum) Sampledownload (pdf)
IAEA/AQ/26Certification of Trace Element Mass Fractions in IAEA-457 Marine Sediment Sampledownload (pdf)
IAEA/AQ/25Worldwide Laboratory Comparison on the Determination of Radionuclides in IAEA-446 Baltic Sea Seaweed (Fucus vesiculosus)download (pdf)
IAEA/AQ/24Certification for Trace Elements and Methyl Mercury Mass Fractions in IAEA-452 Scallop (Pecten maximus) Sampledownload (pdf)
IAEA/AQ/23Worldwide Laboratory Comparison on the Determination of Trace Elements in IAEA-452 Biota Sampledownload (pdf)
IAEA/AQ/21Certified Reference Materials for Radioactivity Measurements in Environmental Samples of Soil and Water, IAEA-444 and IAEA-445download (pdf)
IAEA/AQ/17Reference Material IAEA 434: Naturally Occurring Radionuclides in Phosphogypsumdownload (pdf)
IAEA/AQ/14Reference Material IAEA 413: Major, Minor and Trace Elements in Algaedownload (pdf)
IAEA/AQ/10Interlaboratory Comparison: Radionuclides in Irish Sea Water, IAEA 443download (pdf)
IAEA/AQ/9Certified Reference Material IAEA-418: I-129 in Mediterranean Sea Waterdownload (pdf)


Proficiency Tests


IAEA/AQ/60Worldwide Interlaboratory Comparison on the Determination of Trace Elements and Methyl Mercury in Sediment Sample IAEA-MESL-ILC-TE-SEDIMENT-2018download (pdf)
IAEA/AQ/59Interlaboratory Comparisons 2014–2016: Determination of Radionuclides in Sea Water, Sediment and Fishdownload (pdf)
IAEA/AQ/58IAEA-RML-2016-01 Proficiency Test for Determination of Radionuclides in Sea Waterdownload (pdf)
IAEA/AQ/55Worldwide Interlaboratory Comparison on the Determination of Trace Elements in a Fish Sample IAEA-MESL-ILC-TE-BIOTA-2017download (pdf)
IAEA/AQ/51IAEA-RML-2015-01 Proficiency Test for Determination of Radionuclides in Sea Waterdownload (pdf)
IAEA/AQ/43IAEA-RML-2014-01 Proficiency Test for Determination of Radionuclides in Sea Waterdownload (pdf)
IAEA/AQ/42IAEA-RML-2013-01 Proficiency Test for Determination of Radionuclides in Sea Waterdownload (pdf)
IAEA/AQ/41IAEA-RML-2014-02 Proficiency Test for Determination of Radionuclides in Sea Waterdownload (pdf)
IAEA/AQ/40IAEA-RML-2012-01 Proficiency Test for Determination of Radionuclides in Sea Waterdownload (pdf)
IAEA/AQ/32ALMERA Proficiency Test: Determination of Natural and Artificial Radionuclides in Soil and Water IAEA-TEL-2011-04download (pdf)
IAEA/AQ/29Emergency Response Proficiency Test for Japanese Laboratories: Determination of Selected Radionuclides in Water, Soil, Vegetation and Aerosol Filtersdownload (pdf)
IAEA/AQ/22World Wide Proficiency Test: Determination of Natural and Artificial Radionuclides in Moss-Soil and Water IAEA-CU-2009-03download (pdf)
IAEA/AQ/18Worldwide Open Proficiency Test: Determination of Naturally Occurring Radionuclides in Phosphogypsum and Water, IAEA-CU-2008-03download (pdf)
IAEA/AQ/16Almera Proficiency Test: Detremination of Gamma Emitting Radionuclides in Simulated Air Filters, IAEA-CU-2009-04download (pdf)
IAEA/AQ/15Almera Proficiency Test: Determination of Naturally Occurring Radionuclides in Phosphogypsum and Water, IAEA-CU-2008-04download (pdf)
IAEA/AQ/13HELCOM-MORS Proficiency Test Determination of Radionuclides in Fish Flesh Sampledownload (pdf)
IAEA/AQ/8Worldwide Open Proficiency Test on the Determination of Radionuclides in Spinach, Soil and Water, IAEA-CU-2007-03download (pdf)
IAEA/AQ/7Worldwide Open Proficiency Test IAEA-CU-2007-09: A-Determination of PO-210 in Waterdownload (pdf)
IAEA/AQ/6Proficiency Test of Ukrainian Laboratories Determination of Gamma Emitting Radionuclidesdownload (pdf)
IAEA/AQ/4ALMERA Proficiency Test on the Determination of Po-210 in Water, IAEA-CU-2007-09download (pdf)
IAEA/AQ/3ALMERA Proficiency Test on the Determination of Radionuclides in Spinach, Soil and Water, IAEA-CU-2007-04download (pdf)
IAEA/AQ/2Mediterranean Region Proficiency Test on the Determination of Radionuclides in Air Filters, IAEA-CU-2008-02download (pdf)
IAEA/AQ/1Soil Sampling Intercomparison Exercise by Selected Laboratories of the ALMERA Networkdownload (pdf)



Technical Notes

Meeting Reports

Software related to IAEA Reference Products