
Producing Laboratory: TERC
Brown Rice Grains, 200g

Based on experience with this material since its release and stability monitoring, the extended expiry date is January 2030. The raw material was collected by the Japanese food control authorities. The material was homogenized in one lot using a large volume, low speed homogenizer in the Radioanalytical Reference Laboratory (RRL) of the Food and Feed Safety Directorate in Hungary. To avoid any abrasion of the outside layers of the grains, the samples are sealed in vacuum bags. The packing unit is 200g, which is enough for 100-200 cm3 cylindrical geometry.

Reference date for all specified radionuclide decay corrections: 01 January 2015

Certified values for activity concentration (based on dry mass)

RadionuclideCertified value[a] [Bq kg⁻¹]Uncertainty[b] [Bq kg⁻¹]Half life
⁴⁰K72.13.21.2504(30)x109 years
¹³⁷Cs38.60.830.018(22) years

(a) Certified values are calculated from the accepted data sets, each being obtained by a different laboratory following ISO 33405 

(b) The uncertainty is expressed as a combined standard uncertainty (coverage factor k = 1) estimated in accordance with the JCGM 100:2008 and ISO 33405.

Information values for activity concentration (based on dry mass)

RadionuclideInformation value[a] [Bq kg⁻¹]Uncertainty[b] [Bq kg⁻¹]Half life
¹³⁴Cs12.00.42.0644(14) years

(a) Information values are calculated from the accepted data sets, each being obtained by a different laboratory following ISO 33405. 

(b) The uncertainty is expressed as a combined standard uncertainty (coverage factor k = 1) estimated in accordance with the JCGM 100:2008 and ISO 33405. 

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