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Producing Laboratory: TERC
Hay Powder

The IAEA-V-10 material, lucerne hay, was grown on calcareous soil at Churn, Berkshire, UK, by the University of Reading and supplied to the IAEA Laboratories, Seibersdorf, by Dr. H. M. J. Bowen for further processing. This material was γ-sterilized to ensure long-term stability of the material by inhibiting microbial action.

AnalyteValueUnit95% C.I.NR/I/C
Al47mg/kg30 - 877I
Ba6mg/kg4 - 710R
Br8mg/kg7 - 1111R
Ca21600mg/kg21000 - 2220026R
Cd0.03mg/kg0.02 - 0.0512R
Co0.13mg/kg0.11 - 0.1411R
Cr6.5mg/kg5.6 - 7.132R
Cs0.017mg/kg0.016 - 0.0194I
Cu9.4mg/kg8.8 - 9.733R
Eu0.0024mg/kg0.0023 - 0.00323I
Fe186mg/kg177 - 19038R
Hg0.013mg/kg0.009 - 0.0166R
K21000mg/kg19600 - 2250027I
La0.07mg/kg0.06 - 0.093I
Mg1360mg/kg1330 - 145020R
Mn47mg/kg44 - 5133I
Mo0.9mg/kg0.6 - 1.111R
Na500mg/kg440 - 57020I
Ni4.2mg/kg3.8 - 4.919R
P2300mg/kg2100 - 250011R
Pb1.6mg/kg0.8 - 1.919R
Rb7.6mg/kg7.3 - 7.817R
Sb0.019mg/kg0.018 - 0.023I
Sc0.014mg/kg0.012 - 0.0159R
Se0.022mg/kg0.019 - 0.033I
Sr40mg/kg37 - 4418R
Zn24mg/kg23 - 2540R

(Value) Concentration calculated as a mean of the accepted laboratory means 
(N) Number of accepted laboratory means which are used to calculate the recommended or information values and their respective confidence intervals 
(R/I/C) Classification assigned to the property value for analyte (Recommended/Information/Certified)

The values listed above were established on the basis of statistically valid results submitted by laboratories which had participated in one or more international interlaboratory comparisons organized by the Chemistry Unit, IAEA Laboratories, Seibersdorf. The details concerning the criteria for qualification as a recommended or information value can be found in the respective report (attached).