Producing Laboratory: TERC
Availability: In stock
Lake Sediment

​The IAEA-SL-2 lake sediment was collected from the Neusiedlersee, located some 80 km south-east of Vienna, Austria. The material was collected directly from the top layer of the sediment using a mud pump and then coarse particle were removed in the field by passing the sediment through a 1 cm sieve. After drying, the material was milled to pass a 500 μm sieve. This fraction was then passed through a 71 μm sieve. The portion of the material with a size fraction between 72 and 500 μm was designated SL-2 and used for an intercomparison study of radionuclides.

Reference date for decay correction: 1986-01-31

AnalyteValueUnit95% C.I.NR/I/C
137Cs2.4Bq/kg2.1 – 2.713R
40K240Bq/kg216 – 26416R

(N) Number of accepted laboratory means which are used to calculate the recommended or information values and their respective confidence intervals (R/I/C) Classification assigned to the property value for analyte (Recommended/Information/Certified)

The values listed above were established on the basis of statistically valid results submitted by laboratories which had participated in one or more international interlaboratory comparisons organized by the Chemistry Unit, IAEA Laboratories, Seibersdorf. The details concerning the criteria for qualification as a recommended or information value can be found in the respective report (attached).

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