Producing Laboratory: TERC
Availability: In stock
Ammonium Sulfate

​Reference material IAEA-N-1 is aimed at δ15N calibrations.​

IAEA-N-1 is a relatively coarse grained salt of ammonium sulfate [(NH4)2 SO4] prepared by E. Salati, CENA (Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura), Brazil, in the period of 1978 to 1983 [1, 2]. Its δ15N value is determined using data from several interlaboratory comparisons and assessments [2-5].

Stable Isotope RatioReference ValueStandard Uncertainty with k=1
δ15N​air (‰)+0.430.07


  1. GONFIANTINI, R., Standards for stable isotope measurements in natural compounds, Nature 271 (1978) 534-536.
  2. GONFIANTINI, R., Report on an advisory group meeting on stable isotope reference samples for geochemical and hydrochemical investigations, Vienna, 19 - 21 Sept. 1983. IAEA, Vienna, Austria (1984).
  3. BÖHLKE, J.K., GWINN, C.J., COPLEN, T.B., New reference materials for nitrogen isotope ratio measurements, Geostandards Newsletter 17 1 (1993) 159-164.
  4. KENDALL, C., GRIM, E., Combustion tube method for measurement of nitrogen isotope ratios using calcium oxide for total removal of carbon dioxide and water, Anal. Chem. 62 (1990) 526-529.
  5. BÖHLKE, J.K., COPLEN, T.B., "Interlaboratory comparison of reference materials for nitrogen-isotope-ratio measurements", Proceedings of a consultants' meeting held in Vienna, 1 - 3. Dec. 1993, IAEA-TECDOC-825, IAEA, Vienna (1995) 51-66.
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