Tourmaline (temp. unavailable)
IAEA-B-4 was obtained from a composite sample of euhedral crystals of black tourmaline, near San Piero in Campo, Elba Island, and was prepared by the Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse, Pisa, Italy. Prior distribution into polyethylene bottles, the material was ground to a grain size ranging between 5 µm to 40 µm with a few larger grains of 100 µm, mixed and homogenized [1]. The recommended values of the quality control material are the results of the statistical evaluation of an interlaboratory comparison [2].
Analyte | Value | Unit | SD | R/I/C |
δ11B | -8.7 | ‰NBS 951 | 0.2 | R |
(R/I/C) Classification assigned to the property value for analyte (Recommended/Information/Certified)
- TONARINI, S., PENNISI, M., ADORNI-BRACCESI, A., DINI, A., FERRARA, G., GONFIANTINI, R., WIEDENBECK, M., GRÖNING, M., Intercomparison of boron isotope and concentration measurements. Part I: Selection, preparation and homogeneity tests of the intercomparison materials, Geostandards Newsletter 27 1 (2003) 21-39.
- GONFIANTINI R., TONARINI, S., GRÖNING, M., ADORNI-BRACCESI, A., AL-AMMAR, A.S., ASTNER, M., BÄCHLER, S., BARNES, R.M., BASSETT, R.L., COCHERIE, A., DEYHLE, A., DINI, A., FERRARA, G., GAILLARDET, J., GRIMM, J., GUERROT, C., KRÄHENBÜHL, U., LAYNE, G., LEMARCHAND, D., MEIXNER, A., NORTHINGTON, D.J., PENNISI, M., REITZNEROVÁ, E., RODUSHKIN, I., SUGIURA, N., SURBERG, R., TONN, S., WIEDENBECK, M., WUNDERLI, S., XIAO, Y., ZACK, T., Intercomparison of boron isotope and concentration measurements. Part II: Evaluation of the results, Geostandards Newsletter 27 1 (2003) 41-57.