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Producing Laboratory: TERC
Animal Bone

The animal bone material IAEA-A-12 was obtained from a commercial supplier. The material was defatted, dried, sterilized and crushed to give a particle size below 125 μm and dispatched to the IAEA Laboratories at Seibersdorf. This material was γ-sterilized to ensure long-term stability of the material by inhibiting microbial action.

Reference date for decay correction: 1981-12-15

AnalyteValueUnit95% C.I.NR/I/C
226Ra5.2Bq/kg4.4 – 6.714R
90Sr54.8Bq/kg46.3 – 59.228R
(Value) Concentration calculated as a median of the accepted laboratory means
(N) Number of accepted laboratory means which are used to calculate the recommended or 
    information values and their respective confidence intervals
(R/I/C) Classification assigned to the property value for analyte (Recommended/Information/Certified)

The values listed above were established on the basis of statistically valid results submitted by laboratories which had participated in an international interlaboratory comparison organized by the Chemistry Unit, IAEA Laboratories, Seibersdorf. The details concerning the criteria for qualification as a recommended or information value can be found in the report  (attached).