
Producing Laboratory: MESL
Availability: Out of stock
Fish Homogenate ( Methyl Mercury) (under recertification)

Proposed alternative is IAEA-476

The fish material was collected in 1999 from the North Sea. Most of what was collected was herring, but the sample material also contained capelan and anchovy. It was deep-frozen, freeze-dried, triple-extracted with acetone to remove fat, and then ground and sieved. The particle size fraction <250 µm was homogenized by mixing in a rotating glass bottle for 15 days.

AnalyteValueUnit95% C.I.NR/I/C
Ag0.037mg/kg0.033 – 0.0413I
Al13.8mg/kg12.4 – 15.231R
As12.6mg/kg12.3 – 12.960R
Br94mg/kg86 – 1027R
Ca27g/kg25.7 – 28.39R
Cd0.189mg/kg0.185 – 0.19375R
Co0.1mg/kg0.09 – 0.1127R
Cr0.73mg/kg0.67 – 0.7965R
Cu3.28mg/kg3.20 – 3.3690R
Fe146mg/kg143 – 14971R
Hg0.222mg/kg0.216 – 0.22874R
K13.1g/kg12.2 – 14.09R
Li0.685mg/kg0.62 – 0.7413R
MeHg0.200*mg/kg0.188 – 0.21216R
Mg2.72g/kg2.58 – 2.867R
Mn3.52mg/kg3.44 – 3.6064R
Na13.1g/kg12.4 – 13.85R
Ni0.6mg/kg0.55 – 0.6549R
Pb0.12mg/kg0.10 – 0.1461R
Rb2.86mg/kg2.45 – 3.276R
Sb0.011mg/kg0.010 – 0.01212R
Se2.83mg/kg2.70 – 2.9638R
Sn0.1mg/kg0.06 – 0.1312I
Sr130mg/kg125 – 13526R
V1.43mg/kg1.34 – 1.5222R
Zn67.1mg/kg66.3 – 67.993R

(Value) Concentration calculated as a mean of the accepted laboratory means 
(N) Number of accepted laboratory means which are used to calculate the recommended or information values and their respective confidence intervals 
(R/I/C) Classification assigned to the property value for analyte (Recommended/Information/Certified)

(*) As inorganic Hg

The values listed above were established on the basis of statistically valid results submitted by laboratories which had participated in an international interlaboratory comparison organized by the IAEA Marine Environment Laboratory, Monaco. The details concerning the criteria for qualification as a recommended or information value can be found in the respective report (attached).