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Producing Laboratory: TERC

​The IAEA-359 Cabbage material was grown from seed in the vicinity of the IAEA laboratory in Seibersdorf, Austria. Since this material was originally intended for use as an agrochemical reference material, the seeds were treated with Lindane and Aziprotryne and during the growth of the crop, it was treated with a further eight agrochemical compounds (Metazachlor, Propachlor, Desmetryne, Endosulfan, Bromophos, (Lindane), Fluazifop-butyl, Bitertanol and Trifluralin). The raw material was oven dried at 40°C for several days. The dried cabbage was ground in an impact pulveriser mill to pass through a 300 μm sieve and then further processed in an air jet mill, resulting in a particle size below 50 μm. This material was γ-sterilized at 25 KGy using a Co-60 source to ensure long-term stability of the material by inhibiting microbial action.

AnalyteValueUnit95% C.I.NR/I/C
As0.1mg/kg0.096 - 0.10425I
Ba11mg/kg10.5 - 11.531R
Ca18500mg/kg17990 - 1901082I
Cd0.120mg/kg0.115 - 0.12557I
Cr1.3mg/kg1.24 - 1.3683I
Cu5.67mg/kg5.49 - 5.8585R
Fe148mg/kg144.1 - 151.9110R
Hg0.013mg/kg0.011 - 0.01530I
K32500mg/kg31810 - 3319084R
Mg2160mg/kg2110 - 221063R
Mn31.9mg/kg31.3 - 32.596R
Na580mg/kg567 - 60161I
Ni1.05mg/kg1.00 - 1.1043I
Se0.120mg/kg0.109 - 0.13134I
Sr49.2mg/kg47.8 - 50.646R
Zn38.6mg/kg37.9 - 39.3122R

(Value) Concentration calculated as a mean of the accepted laboratory means 
(N) Number of accepted laboratory means which are used to calculate the recommended or information values and their respective confidence intervals 
(R/I/C) Classification assigned to the property value for analyte (Recommended/Information/Certified)

The values listed above were established on the basis of statistically valid results submitted by laboratories which had participated in one or more international interlaboratory comparisons organized by the Chemistry Unit, IAEA Laboratories, Seibersdorf. The details concerning the criteria for qualification as a recommended or information value can be found in the respective report (attached).