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Producing Laboratory: TERC
13C Labelled Sodium-Bicarbonate

International Chemical Safety Card (ICSC) : ISCS_1044

IAEA-303 was aimed at δ13C calibrations at high δ13C enrichments.

Reference material IAEA-303 consisted of two sodium bicarbonates (A and B), which were prepared from NaH13CO3. The isotopic values were established on the basis of inter-laboratory comparison organized by the IAEA Section of Nutritional and Health Related Environmental Studies [1].

AnalyteValueUnit95% C.I.NR/I/C
δ13C (Amp. A)93.3VPDB191.1 - 95.49R
δ13C (Amp. B)466VPDB460 - 4728R

[1] The isotopic compositions are given in parts per thousand difference from isotope ratio standard Vienna Pee Dee Belemnite (VPDB)
(N) Number of accepted laboratory means which were used to calculate the recommended or information values and their respective confidence intervals about the mean value
(R/I) Classification assigned to the property value for analyte (Recommended/Information)


  1. PARR, R.M., CLEMENTS, S.A., Intercomparison of enriched stable isotope reference materials for medical and biological studies, IAEA Report NAHRES-5, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria (1991).