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Producing Laboratory: TERC
Whey Powder

Both milk powder IAEA-153 and whey powder IAEA-155 were donated to the IAEA by a milk processing facility in the former USSR. These materials were γ-sterilized to ensure long-term stability of the material by inhibiting microbial action.

AnalyteValueUnit95% C.I.NR/I/C
Al52.9mg/kg38.0 - 67.821I
As0.049mg/kg0.016 - 0.0836I
B5.1mg/kg4.3 - 6.06I
Br39.1mg/kg36.1 - 42.018R
Ca42100#mg/kg40400 - 4390017I
Cd0.016mg/kg0.012 - 0.02018R
Ci69200mg/kg65900 - 7240010R
Co0.043mg/kg0.029 - 0.05616R
Cr0.59mg/kg0.51 - 0.6628R
Cs0.086mg/kg0.071 - 0.1029R
Cu0.57mg/kg0.46 - 0.6828I
Fe62v50 - 7435I
Hg0.0026mg/kg0.0015 - 0.00389R
K41700mg/kg35400 - 4810025I
Mg3190mg/kg3060 - 331016R
Mn9.3mg/kg8.78 - 9.8219R
Na15800mg/kg15200 - 1640021R
Ni0.54mg/kg0.44 - 0.6415R
P16200mg/kg15500 - 1700010R
Pb0.104mg/kg0.071 - 0.13615R
Rb39.2mg/kg36.4 - 42.018R
S3000mg/kg1600 - 44006I
Sc0.028mg/kg0.021 - 0.03410R
Se0.064mg/kg0.051 - 0.0779R
Sr10.5mg/kg6.6 - 14.56I
Zn34.3mg/kg32.8 - 35.754R

(Value) Concentration calculated as a mean of the accepted laboratory means
(N) Number of accepted laboratory means which are used to calculate the recommended or information values and their respective confidence intervals
(R/I/C) Classification assigned to the property value for analyte (Recommended/Information/Certified)
(#) The information value for Ca was calculated from a set of selected results (for details see report)

The values listed above were established on the basis of statistically valid results submitted by laboratories which had participated in one or more international intercomparison exercises organized by the Chemistry Unit, IAEA Laboratories, Seibersdorf. The details concerning the criteria for qualification as a recommended or information value can be found in the respective report (attached).