Gamma-ray spectrometry measurement systems used in the laboratory (left) and in the field (right) for determination of gamma-ray emitting radionuclide activities in different types of samples.
Example of a typical gamma spectrum output from the measurements.
The ALMERA Coordination Team would hereby like to extend invitations to an upcoming Webinar series entitled "Foundations of gamma-ray spectrometry" which will take place virtually during the spring of 2021. The Webinar series will consist of 3 separate sessions which will focus on the basics of gamma-ray spectrometry as applied in a typical environmental radioactivity monitoring laboratory. The sessions aim to provide a general foundation of gamma-ray spectrometry to persons who are new to this field, or as repetition of some basic theory for more experienced practitioners.
Each session will last an estimated 1.5-2 hours, including time for questions. Some pen-and-paper "homework exercises" emphasizing relevant topics will be prepared for each session. Participants can then work on the exercises individually after the session is over.
The lecturer for the Webinar series is Mr Alexander Mauring, Gamma Spectrometry Specialist at IAEAs Terrestrial Laboratory in Seibersdorf and Scientific Coordinator of the ALMERA Network.
Session 1: Gamma-ray spectrometry basics
Date and time: 10 March 2021 09:00-11:00 CET (08:00-10:00 GMT)
Session 2: Gamma spectrum analysis and activity calculations
Date and time: 7 April 2021 09:00-11:00 CET (07:00-09:00 GMT)
Session 3: Efficiency calibration of HPGe detectors
Date and time: 5 May 2021 09:00-11:00 CET (07:00-9:00 GMT)
All sessions were recorded and made available online for those who were not able to join live. The files from past sessions can be found here